Infant and Toddler Program
Ages 0 – 36 months
Quality infant and toddler daycare is much more than babysitting. The curriculum for daycare at Glenbrooke Daycare was created to meet the distinctive and individual needs of an infant and-or toddler in a safe and nurturing setting where the child can explore and learn.
Glenbrooke Daycare uses the play based learning approach combined with Reggio Emilia approach and a multi-sensory approach. The Educators provide materials to learn from and the space and freedom to explore and absorb information. Learning can be individual or in groups, self-directed, or teacher led, structured or unstructured, giving children a balance of experiences and opportunities to learn from.
Fees available upon request. Please contact us for further information.
Child Care Fee Reduction Initiative
The BC provincial government’s Child Care Fee Reduction Initiative (CCFRI) enhances childcare affordability through funding to eligible licensed childcare providers to reduce and stabilize families’ monthly childcare fees. We are pleased to be enrolled in the CCFRI to help reduce costs for our families. Learn more.
Affordable Childcare Benefit Program
Parents may be eligible for a financial subsidy from the Province of British Columbia Affordable Childcare Benefit Program (ACCB), to assist with childcare costs. To find out if you qualify for the affordable childcare benefit and for additional information contact the Child Care Services Centre at 1-888-338-6622 or visit this website.