Before and Afterschool Care

Ages 5 – 12 years

Located at both the main daycare location and Mt Calvary Lutheran Church, we provide a before and afterschool care program for children attending Herbert Spencer Elementary School ages 5-10 years.

We provide morning care from 7:00-9:00 am and afternoon care from 3:00-6:00 pm. We also provide drop off and pick up. We also offer care for early dismissals and Pro- D Days, part of the winter break, spring break and operate a summer camp during the summer break.

A visit from the OWL Rehab Society
Field trip to the Nikkei National Museum & Cultural Centre

Our Daily Schedule

We will drop children off at Herbert Spencer Elementary School and pick them up as per their schedule. If parents choose not to send their child to school, please let us know. Once we pick up the children from school, we may take the children for a walk.

Indoor Activities

The Before and After School Care Program provides a play-based learning experience where children can develop self-esteem, cooperation, teamwork, and problem-solving skills. The program is based on the age and interests of the children. We give time for children to do their homework and provide activities for academic enrichment. During free play, activities like puzzles, arts and crafts, chess, and science experiments may be set out. Children can also choose to read books in the reading corner or select an activity or material to explore from our shelves. There is space for floor activities, games or music and movement. We want children to socialize and work in teams, so there are many small group activities.

Outdoor Activities

There is a playground and a garden area where children learn to care for plants in the spring and summer at our main daycare location.  We take advantage of the good weather for outdoor play and aim to go outside every day to the school playground or local parks unless weather conditions are deemed not safe for outdoor play.


Fees available upon request. Please contact us for further information.

Child Care Fee Reduction Initiative

The BC provincial government’s Child Care Fee Reduction Initiative (CCFRI) enhances childcare affordability through funding to eligible licensed childcare providers to reduce and stabilize families’ monthly childcare fees. We are pleased to be enrolled in the CCFRI to help reduce costs for our families. Learn more.

Affordable Childcare Benefit Program

Parents may be eligible for a financial subsidy from the Province of British Columbia Affordable Childcare Benefit Program (ACCB), to assist with childcare costs. To find out if you qualify for the affordable childcare benefit and for additional information contact the Child Care Services Centre at 1-888-338-6622 or visit this website.